Monday, August 28, 2006

The public "Office"!

Ok, pet peeve time on today's flight folks. Ok firstly, if you are one to execute any of the following pet peeves or are just bothered or insulted by them, well, I'm not sorry, suck it up, quit crying and then go home and kill yourself slowly. Now, on my way to work the other morning as I was on the "on Ramp" transitioning to get on the freeway, I, along with a dozen other enraged motorists were stuck behind a newer model corvette (yes corvette) traveling at, and this is not a joke, 35. He continued to travel 35 well onto the freeway. I passed him just to get a look at this idiot and realized that he is of the geriatric crowd. I can only assume that he pulled out all of his social security and 401k that he earned throughout his life so that he could spend it on this vehincle so he could look cooler and go down to the home and pick up on maybelle or betty lou, which wouldn't freakin matter anyway as the passenger seat has to be used for either his oxygen tank or his iron lung. Holy crap I was pissed. next, I was in the restroom relieving myself(that's going No 1 for you birdman) when someone who will remain nameless(my manager) came in and decides to interrogate me about a project date. Ok, i'm at my desk most of the day, or at least a few min of it, send me a freakin email and ask me to come in for a few min and question me there. And finally, one that really kills me. Say someone emails or IMs you a question, you reply to it with your infinite wisdom, they say thank you. What do you do? YOU DON'T DO S**T. That is the end of the f'n conversation. you don't need to reply, it just wastes your and their time. God i hate people sometimes.

"in the space of a 5 hour time difference,
My mind has run a marathon of thought leaving
loneliness to abuse me and jealousy to pick up the pieces"


Blogger birdman said...

so you were jealous of an old guy in a new vette who had nowhere to be so he was holding you up from getting to your awesome job. From this you were so pissed that you had to piss at which point in time you were the lucky recipeient of good company and conversation and then you get upset about getting a thank you from someone for you helping them.......

Remember assman - Always look on the bright side of life...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:58:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

1- traffic blows. everyone thinks they are special. get over it.

2- FUN bathroom time with the manager! did you tell him that you will get back to him on dates when you put your d#$k back in your pants?

3- thank you. you're welcome. have a nice day.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 9:49:00 AM  

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