Sunday, August 20, 2006

Coming Home

I'm sitting in the airport terminal in KC waiting to board my flight home from visiting my family and two(2) thoughts came to me. First, i'm bummed about leaving my family. My family is very important to me(even though they live in KS) and I know there are a lot of people out there that don't feel that way about their families. It's a shame. Second, If you want to see love in all it's great forms, come and sit at an airport terminal(though it's not as easy to do these days). In the hour and a half that i've been sitting here i've seen Friends greet other friends, Grandparents embrace their grandkids, husbands embrace their wives, loved ones embrace other loved ones, and strangers strike up conversations with other strangers. In a world where it seems like everything is falling apart and hate is taking over. It's good to know that Love, in all it's forms, is alive and well.

"If i lay here,
If i just lay here.
Would you lie with me and just forget the world"
Snow Patrol


Blogger Unknown said...

aww...that was very sweet. Glad you had a great visit with the family!

Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:33:00 AM  
Blogger The Wrider said...

If I said I hadn't expected such a cool blog from you I would be lying, but it seems like the thing to we only ever expected you to be funny. Great post. Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the time with your family.

I sort of went thru a life altering experience myself back in June regarding my family. I was one of those people that couldn't wait to leave home. Out of everyone in my family (including cousins, siblings, uncles/aunts - everyone) I was the only one to ever leave home. And I just didn't leave home, I left the country. I joined the service and have been farther away from home than any of them have even dreamed about going. But then when we went back on vacation I couldn't believe how "at home" I felt with them. It was if I had found where I really needed to be. At 42 it seems like an odd revelation for me. I've been everywhere and yet I guess I had to go everywhere in order to understand what it means to say, "I should have just stayed home."

Monday, August 21, 2006 7:45:00 AM  
Blogger birdman said...

Poopy, all you had to do was call and I would have picked you up at the airport then we could have had our very own special moment - you, me, the airport and a warm embrace..

You and me the best form of love there is poopy!!!

Monday, August 21, 2006 10:16:00 AM  
Blogger AvMan said...

Sometimes that's the way it has to happen wrider. It takes being away to make you miss it even though you don't realize it. I know that everytime i come home i have the hardest time.

Monday, August 21, 2006 11:08:00 AM  

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