Happy New Year!!!

Hey, all you aviators. I know it's been a couple of weeks since i've done an update, But i've been really busy sleeping in and doing nothing at all. HA HA LOSERS! Hope everyone had a merry christmas and a great New Year. Mine was really great. Still back here in my small home town in BFE(Kansas). Will be coming home on Wednesday. I look forward to it, but not ready to leave my family or go back to work. the first few days here were really nice, but it's gotten really nasty out. A line of storms stretching from west of denver to just east of where I am was dumping rain and snow all over. It was supposed to snow here big time Yesterday, but just dropped a little bit. Thank god. I know the Wrider would disagree, but BLAH!! I'll pass on the snow.
My sister is due any day now with her baby(from this point on called "the alien") , if she doesn't have "the alien" by wednesday morning they're going to induce. I was hoping i would be here when she has "the alien" but i supposed i won't. Ohh well. I didn't really want to see "the alien" anyway, just wanted to be there to support my sister. not so much a big fan of the kids.
Anyway, Gotta get back to the Rose Bowl. It's a sacrilege to do anything but watch football on new years eve and new years day if you are a male in my family. I don't really want to be lynched.
Started working on a new design for the blog, look for it soon.
Above is a pic of this podunk town. this is pretty much looking from one end to the other. Not very impressive i know.
That picture reminds me of my dad's home town: Valentine (I swear, it's named Valentine) Nebraska. Population 2,860. I love that place, and miss it often.
I'm glad you had fun. Happy new year.
PS...Fight On, Trojans!
Snow? Really? Did you make snow angels? Make snow ice cream? Nah? Probably just made yellow snow, huh?
Happy New Year! :-)
maybe you could become a small town sheriff and run it with an Iron Fist then wait for the A-Team to come and do battle!!!
Happy New Year, so did your sis have the baby?? See I am all about kids, you suck!
i seem to remember a town just like this... happy new year!
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